About Better Day

We leverage our global fashion expertise to create value for our customers by offering unique artisan fabrics, timeless and sustainable clothing for all, and a curated collection of hand-picked vintage treasures.

Our goal is to educate customers about the industry's realities and the importance of ethical practices while promoting sustainable fashion. We advocate for slow fashion, the use of eco-friendly materials, sustainable designs, waste reduction, and support for local communities.

Join our community and uncover the stories behind each piece as we strive for a better future for people and the planet.

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Better Day

Our Commitment to Sustainability

Ethical Fabric Sourcing and Eco-friendly Natural Fibre Fabrics

Ethical fabric sourcing is the practice of procuring textiles in a manner that respects both people and the environment. This involves:

Fair Labor Practices: Ensuring that the workers involved in the production of fabrics are treated fairly, paid a living wage, and work in safe conditions. This often involves partnering with suppliers who adhere to labor standards and certifications such as The International Accord.

Environmentally Friendly Materials: Choosing fabrics that have a lower environmental impact. This includes organic cotton, bamboo, jute, linen, and other materials that are sustainably grown or produced.

: Maintaining transparency throughout the supply chain, so consumers can trace the origins of the fabric and the processes involved in its creation.

Local Sourcing: Whenever possible, sourcing materials locally to reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation and to support local economies.

Curated Secondhand/Vintage Collections and Consignment

Curating secondhand or vintage items is an effective way to promote sustainability by extending the life cycle of existing products and reducing waste. This approach involves:

Selection and Quality Control: Carefully selecting secondhand and vintage items that are of high quality and still have a significant lifespan left. This involves assessing the condition, style, and potential longevity of each piece.

Restoration and Upcycling: Repairing, restoring, or even redesigning items to make them more appealing and functional for modern consumers. This can include minor repairs, cleaning, and sometimes creative modifications.

Unique Offerings: Providing consumers with unique and one-of-a-kind items that stand out from mass-produced fashion, which can also carry a sense of history and character.

Promoting a Circular Economy: Encouraging consumers to think about the lifecycle of their purchases and the benefits of reusing and recycling clothing, thus supporting a circular fashion economy.

Better Day's Own Fashion Line Through Utilizing Deadstock

Utilizing deadstock involves repurposing unused fabric that would otherwise go to waste. This contributes to sustainability in several ways:

Waste Reduction: By using deadstock fabrics, companies can significantly reduce the amount of textile waste that ends up in landfills. These materials are often leftover from previous seasons or overproductions.

Creative Design: Designers can create unique, limited-edition pieces using deadstock fabrics, as these materials are often available in limited quantities. This can add exclusivity and value to the products.

Resource Efficiency: Making use of existing materials reduces the demand for new fabric production, which in turn conserves the resources and energy required to produce new textiles.

Sustainable Branding: Promoting the use of deadstock fabrics helps build a brand identity centered around sustainability and resourcefulness, appealing to eco-conscious consumers.

Meet Sara, Owner & Founder of Better Day

Sara Shabnam (she/her) is a Social Entrepreneur and Fashion Advocate. A Bangladeshi Canadian citizen, Sara migrated to Halifax in 2010 at the age of 18. The only daughter of a retired garment factory owner in Bangladesh, Sara witnessed firsthand the waste generated by the fashion industry and its adverse effects on people and the planet. She started Better Day in June 2021 as a way of spreading awareness about sustainable living and championing second-hand treasures. She is dedicated to using creativity and collaboration to advance sustainable, equitable, and responsible fashion through her brand's mission.

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Community Collaboration

Community is the heart of everything we do. Through collaboration and mutual support, we have driven numerous initiatives that make a real difference. Some of the causes we support include Remake, Parker Street Food and Furniture Bank, Alice House, Tantallon Wildfire relief and many more.

We believe in fostering a community that not only celebrates sustainability in fashion, but also shares a commitment to the well-being of our planet and its inhabitants.

Get Involved
If you are an organization or know of one that could use our support, please reach out to us. Together, we can make a lasting impact.